The True False Prophet

  there will be a time when "only good" people will not understand God's will and role among the people of today. we are going to fail God when they come, because "only good" are stuck on the teaching of ignorance before they can believe the truth. and the truth is: if you can not change what was bad in the bible to be something good then you .lose out on something within us. we get these people who are "only good" when everybody on earth is created from only good and evil. and those who are "only good" do not know God and God does not know them as well. they will say to the one that comes in God's name. "he is an enemy of God and a false prophet, a liar. when we did not even know this man, we will even say that they are blasphemous and never know the meaning. and "only the good" will start calling God's servants like Evangelist False Prophets. when "only the good" people that did not know their role today when God had returned, but to be the ones that hated God for returning. these people will never enter into Heaven knowing that God was sacrificed again by His own people. we are doomed because we will keep preaching that God is returning and then God will be a liar and a hypocrite when they return. and they will try to kill Them in this cycle of false idols that will not stop returning. unless i say something today. i am the false Prophet and have returned 30 years ago and i have fulfilled the prophecies that were written in the bible by the Prophets who had spoken about this day. why would someone be mad at this? 

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