I Think Therefore I AM

 when can we make a mistake by holding on to God? there is not many times that i know but living through life will teach how to be kind to others. and how to lose fear while living and learning life. if you fear in being your self then you are not going to be close to God. but if you had to learn more because you were going to teach others what you had learned because you were not afraid to think around God. many fear to even think without knowing themselves so they believe that what a man tells them about the bible is true. verily verily are we never to see the Kingdom of God that stands in the midst of Heaven on earth before we see our NEIGHBOR.

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless :  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivit...