The Three Kings or Wise Men

 The Age of Eclipse 12th - 21st Century where the an Eclipse appeared during the mid day in the mid western and eastern territory of God's encampment for the two Peace Keepers to be anointed and carry the fire of God into Heaven above so that one day it may return back to us as the Unknow God of rest, night and darkness.

there was a man (monster) that had "snakes in his hair as the Son of Medusa and serpents in His teeth as the Son of Justice that had been given the iron rod to slay a 1/3 part of the world and when He spoke, who spoke as the four wind followed" said Mother Lakota. that man lead other men into victory and into death during the 12th century. and these great war chieftains to east had settled for peace but God came with another gift to peace and that was through killing the enemy who was always out fighting with the peaceful tribes of this land, that never found land to be theirs but lived through war as an example to who they were; a horse without a rider, and a man without a mother to carry Him back into peace. the nomadic tribes would follow buffalo into the west as they would take encampment among the civilization that became Nut a tribe of Africa that sailed on ships of  gold that weighed only an ounce or two to buy from and to African the trades that were set along the northern tip of Africa and back up the Caribbean sea to go up the gulf of Mexico where Mexico American or Mesoamerican native tribes that sold agriculture through native goods and the Mesoamerican people that covered the land from the Grand Canyon all the way to the Northern Sea, when camels with two humps would bare the young in the tropical deserts of  the continental divide where the Deni tribe survived in the luscious heat that covered four spiritual mountains with snow and ice among the four corners of the Native's New Heaven on earth started from the northern hemisphere all the way to Tropic of Cancer where the desert separates the waters of that continent and those who followed the buffalo became familiar with the western cultures of their nation that made ceramic pots and had their day in the stone age (stone tools) that used stone arrow spear heads and knives just like the clovis American Indian that migrated from the northern parts of Africa when they traveled through Russia to get through the Barren Straights. and from there Natives made has given our own freewill and peace that must fall upon this land, so God gave a set of laws to govern peace among this great nation that had a federal outlook without any challenges to confederacy, for all citizens that were among their own people. and the beast was made aware of the monster that travels to this land farther than ones own land that is west of here who also lived east of the Mississippi River where He dwells now. and manipulates the weather because five fighting tribes were stable at first until the day they made war with each other for the sake of peace but the more peace they had sought for, the more war would be met until one day a peace keeper came to visit the eastern Tribes of Mesoamerica where Serpent hair mingles with the blood of Her enemy while at bay preparing the day that we come for tomorrow day for them to marry each for tomorrow that set today at hand for the false prophet and beast to be at hand as a young boy (Buddha) riding upon Tiamat Dragon of Heaven the time dragon that rises out from Hell time after time to take Her authority in the Heavens Above so that the Kings on earth can prepare for the Kings of the east that was given from Roger Ramos Grant's Passover to three Kings (wisemen)and their Mother. three Pearls of Heaven were found buried and were given to China in Place of God's day born under a sign and on the day of December 25, 2021. 

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