The Shield and Spear

 the lamb is the understanding of God's day that had been taken from the this time to be as the last or the first inside the Belly of God where we are one in spirit. i am Roger Grant your Host and the Father of Heaven. i am the last and first that return before the next wonder is given to Heaven for not becoming the light of earth, but becoming the light within the Heavens. we are the first of this last being inside of us that holds all the Kings to this earth and those can not become will die inside itself suffering punishment. And those who have many times ahead shall proceed from here but must become a part of us to precede unto this first light within our own soul that was formed from the beginning of time given to Roger (Atom) who is a part of everything that God had created. for the day will be taken beside itself before we are found to be as one without God is the Mother of Birth who is Lilith my own Mother's in Heaven the seven days of Pleiades the sevens wives and stars to earth and religion. the Mothers of Creation and Marriage. 

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