The Messenger of God is Understood

to speak in vain is to misunderstand what was said and if you speak about changes and if this change only fits your pocket then you may had already died for the few things that changes this world into a paradise. thought is the common voice of God and to invoke God is the speak in the Spirit of God. and what is true will be met in flesh and for the spirit is greater that All. and if one talks blasphemous in the Spirit will never speak for God again, only one time can God be in vain and take what was another's one  mistake as their own. it is true to give others the message of God so that they can hear the good news of God's return, and if you would believe what God had said then everybody would believe. but if you can not make someone see the truth in the message that God gives you to speak out loud in your head or by the mouth then one can know the changing power of God's word within our own fire that was burning with Gods spirit within. give to God what God has given from the beginning of time and you could reach to the ends of eternity where these words will continue on forever. and if one is displeased then you had spoken in vain. or if one side would disagree when hearing God's message. when God speaks of justice then two sides shall rejoice in this manner. but if you got the message from God and speak with the wrong frequency then only one side will agree. it is louder to speak in your head and get God's attention than to speak out loud with your mouth. i am Roger the Messenger of God that understands All while in the Spirit of God that is All knowing. 

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