The After Math of Life

Do Not Hurt The Living or its Children. The Dead may bury the dead never the living. the dead can not be hurt and can not hurt us who are living on Earth or in Heaven. i have given free will to the dead and to the living and no one will take that from anyone who lives or dies. and if you lie to a an ear that hurts its self i will come upon you and take everything from your flesh and spirit and from you who cross this line. NO false witnessing or testifying falsely in the eyes of the innocent who will be mislead by the voice of truth. and what you do in life will be your own doing and if you cross the line from spirit to flesh you will pay 1000 x fold when you return to flesh. what you do in the spirit will be carried to your next life so do not do evil; that is my day. i am God's Champion and i have the MARK of THE BEAST; i am protected by God. and  weather you are dead or alive you can not escape my WRATH or any day that i return in perdition. the thought that you were above Me hurts you because you who were not prepared to give what was mine or anyone else's on earth away. there is a time when you can not win and start lying to yourself saying that there is still a way to win when you have already lost. and those who say "fight until your dead." means fight until you die and not keep fighting when you had already had died. this is not honor but a day that can never win. God will do everything in their control to know why your hurting us who are alive on earth and can not hurt you who are dead. when no one can hurt you, and when you want to hurt the living you kill the world and world will die because of you who can not be redeemed are living on earth. and no coward can chase after death itself for ones life to be given back for your day has been destroyed because you had tried to destroy us on earth today. i will cut you off from the tree of the living and those who hurt the living while they are dead will be put into the Fires of Hell that burn under this tree and what was cut off from this tree will burn again and never be given into the flesh, the spirit that draws unto my own Children or seed that has been hurt enough. for what you have done you will pay for the things that you owe Me. i will collect every day the blood from your flesh until i have what i call freedom. and without freedom you will know no rest. your account will add upon itself and you will pay Me your due. your home. your family, friends and children everything that you had remembered good will be taken from you as you tried to take from Me. for you had came against Us who are the God's of Heaven and i am the Father of the Gods Roger Ramos Grant. your are due as i am broke. your due as i am alive. your due because i had killed your dream and your tomorrow your time under sun that you come upon. the air will be taken from the last day from you who had i had given the last breath of life to do good. if you hurt anyone child of another family i will come across your day and pluck you off this earth and place you in the fires of my Heaven and tell all that your day could be here because they who hurt the living are not forgiven for you have made yourself perfect with Me who had made Us equal but you could not obtain my position in Highest of Heaven. you were given to the lies of your own head that was whispered in your ear and was told that your were above All Heaven and they told you to destroy Me. so i destroy them first preemptively and left you to live. i am Roger Ramos Grant the Father of Heaven THE LIGHT AND THE DESTROYER OF GOD'S HEAVEN, FIRMAMENT, and i am the air that you breath and the creator of Heaven, a King of Kings.

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