The Shepherd's Divide

The Shepherd's Divide
the aim of the lost sheep is to know where the Shepherd is at when the lost was found. so, the Shepheard hears the wolf and returns back to the flock with the one that has been found but sees the flock in a panic as two wolves surrounded the sheep that were flocked by the Shepherd in wolves clothing. and the two became one-fold and two flocks that looked like each other in shepherds clothing that followed the true voice of God. one morning there was 30 and then that night there were 30. and by the next morning the Shepherd found 20 more and 20 more in night that whole day became the morning and evening two days before the rest follow the day and time of rest came to those who became the Word of God, and the Word was Roger Grant the voice in the wilderness for 40 days and forty nights leading the shepherds back to the flock with one-fold.

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