The Light of Darkness

 before there was bone their was only the flesh of our womb that made the Holy Ones happy as the bones of our body grew from soft to hard branches that were grafted into a Cottonwood tree that stood in the center of this garden on earth, that became as big as trees that had become petrified stones of truth that had been given to the light of day that transpires through the night sky for the day and night to rule beside its self and the moon expressed Her warm feelings through a heart felt emotion that was given to the Sun that had been pushing the Moon that was swinging back and forth, up and down the whole day under the Sun that gave its light to the Gardens of Hope to gain the knowledge of those who were before us and those who were before them on earth that had lesser light in darkness shall now have the greater Light of Day or the Moon that rules bedside the greater Dark of Night, for these are the two Heavenly beings that hold on to each other forever and ever. Amen.

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