The Darkness is Coming

those who were rich today and had taken from the innocent will be tormented inside themselves with their own  lies today and tomorrow when it leads them away from our God they will hear tomorrow but will not understand because when they do return then the population will be low and the earth will plentiful but they will awaken and do the same thing that they had tried to us on earth this before but now they will reap what they sow. they cursed everyone who were saved including them that had been given everything that we were given but decided to destroy themselves because they thought we were against them when we were protecting a Resource of God for tomorrow that they would try to steal and not give it back, but when they tried a 1000 deaths had come upon their own doing who had tried to kill a marked Man of God who was innocent. THEY MUST PAY THE DEBT TO FINISH THIER ACCOUNT on earth. and many prayers where heard in heaven about these who were rich and still wanted to control the poor and innocent people of earth who been working too long for them, and tomorrow these people that tried to control us will be the outcast and the poor in their streets, and they will pay every penny back with their blood. and when a new day is rising they will not understand and suffer even more what they continued to do to themselves and on that day the world will collapse and the bottom will drop out in on itself and bury them for good who had everything that Roger had given but lost it because they fought the Prophet of God and wanted to kill Him because they had taken His money from a life insurance claim and did not want to pay Him back. they fought God because He was different in color and thought i stolen their inheritance that only God can give or take away as i Roger had given to everyone who believed in Me. and when they saw Me they died but still lived so that they could change themselves for the better but what was their own curse now can not come back to earth as it will haunt them forever and us if they return to earth for any reason when they awaken, they will be filled with the evil spirit that torments them everyday because they fought Roger a Prophet of God because of His race that was mixed with all the races. race will not be a pleasure on earth for any reason that hurts people because they could not control them.

there will be no light, no sun, or stars in that day prepared for them who can not win or stop fighting what is inside of them in the darkness.

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