The Torment of Today

 there is always one at the end who could not grow up or just behaved like the ones before Me, or the ones that are gone with the wind that covers the entire world with harmony and blessing that can not be taken lightly because what will hurt you without measure is a gift that can never be taken away but through Me. and those who have came before another's turn on earth will be unenlightened with every day in darkness. and their world be in darkness because of their deeds that they thought were right when they were wrong, will be in torment without anybody to see hear or speak to. for they are now under the cover of  Heaven that can no more rest or sleep but become one in torment and agony for the light that they diminished while acting as ones own God and never coming clean of the fact that they were lying to the world's unknowing and uncertainty to who God was. 

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

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