The Prayers of God are Answered

 the one that you search for when God returns already had came, i am in you who believe but never wanted to open yours to see what Jesus had done for you when you were a sinner. did they come back to relive that moment on the cross again, because the one who has hung themselves was not in Gethsemane or our garden sleeping with the Messiah. and as the garden was sleeping when a 1/3 and 1/4 and 1/5 prayer was lifted up also to Heaven as God had lifted the Curse of Heaven onto the next man that carries the cross of those before us on each side so that they could even go farther than the last one choosing to betray Christ as a martyr and say that we had been given a chance to see Our Lord reign tomorrow on earth when we forgot to see God in the reign of Ceasar who was God and the one given to be the suffering of God's body but Jesus had fell down to pray and ask for this cup to be past. but God had chose another to be the Victim of Heaven's sacrifice so that one would know that today was given to the Prophet Roger Grant the Father of Heaven as to fulfill the anguish and the last received to be saved unto this day for God has heard the prayers of  those before us so that one may fulfill the Heavenly time that God had fulfilled in those days that had given their life for us to live and see this day given to All who had believed in the One true God of  Heaven and Hell that saves the God's above and below from sin and to the sins of this earth, so that what was or what is can now be what will be forever the Coming of God the return of the Mahdi who was Jesus Christ the Messiah and the King of Jews who gathers God's chosen flock to wherever they may go, will be the Church of Christ and teachings that remain steadfast. and as Ceasar released a revolutionary from prison that had been fighting Rome for a while, but Ceasar also retained a Victim of Christ for the release of Jesus Christ and the one that was seized was the one that hung themselves and the one that seized a war in Heaven as it was on earth that was foretold 70 years ago. 

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