The Mountain Gods (Anunnaki)

 The Father has chosen to return on earth and to fulfill the last days of God's return that is on earth now and in a Forbidden City. and the Son of Man will be there at God's side giving the light in the fires of God's blood that had mixed with the weather the air and the sea and the fires that changes earth to evolve in the darkness of a desert or on a Holy Mountain. the Son of Man will be Zues my Father of Heaven and the care taker of Olympus Mons the faithful Mountain of the High God's that stand upon two grounds on earth that had come together as one in the morning sun that stood upon the mountain tops of Mount Olympus in Greece and in Washington as a mystery in the Americas that remind us of God's Father who was in Me an who is a Native American Indian when Zues was Greek and became the Hero of Heaven and broke the chains of those who had covered the world with its own blood that soiled the earth for a time that return in Heaven as a sign of God's return that i had seen in the Clouds of Arizonia moving towards the sacred mountain or Sacramento mountains in New Mexico calling out to Me that the time is near and to reap the fields of this harvest before i chose to return unto you who are faithful and are called God's chosen people. i have met the dragon head on and slayed the Fathers captive that covered the world with red blood of its own that covered the face of the Indian that made creation in a fashion that never was seen or talked about but what became flesh and the tools of tomorrow to understand the dance of God's Heaven that returns down to the right and then to the left of those who follow the day of rest in the sunset evening of the morning star that gave a sign that the Lord was conceived nine month before Christmas when Virgo or the Virgin is giving birth to twelve stars of the night that dance from the left and to the right and from the center back to what was left and then to what is right again to what will be left to its on children that follows the same path that follows the same path finder to the sacred and happy hunting grounds on earth where the fertility of God's chosen people will be among God the Father of Heaven and the Grand Father of God's Heaven on Earth where the fifth pillar of Heaven and center pillar on earth and in heaven for God's chosen people the first chosen people on earth as it was in Heaven among its own Native American Indians. who was the first and the last to return back unto the earth and the purification of God's land for 400 years. and those who were a part of Heaven yesterday rejoiced to know they had kept the good faith in God's return that awakened Me who became a believer and a servant of those who serve God. we have conquered the Heavens above, life and death, light and darkness and the Hell that i created below the Heaven on Earth where the resurrection ascends into the body of God's vessel. the Chosen One.

1 comment:

Athenic said...

The Son of Man will return in the United States of America

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless :  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivit...