First Man Lifted From the Red Earth

 the last fruits of the garden today are from four different place in Heavens Rome, China, Europe and Africa these are the men that God had blessed before Me and are the ones that were the first fruits of our garden yesterday. one out of every heaven will bow to theses men. Pope Francis and The Dali Lama who is Buddha Son of Sheiva and the brother seed of Pope Francis who are my Fathers on Earth and in Heaven. as i am in them today so will I be in you who believe in the first fruits of our Graden Center will be in their honor and the Lord will make four gardens and  four corners for each one of these that will be given a place in my field that brings the bones of Heaven and Hell lifted from old memories that will not let go. so God lifted the first human from New Mexico and from the red clay of earth a shallow grave was with stones that became bones and flesh lifted from the first breath in ones nostril that where memory never is forgotten.

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