Black Friday

Black Friday Darkest Night of the Year
why would God hate you so much? is it because you cursed our seeds or is it because you when there was no God there was no Mother or Father to discipline you so you thought that you were God and played the part of a God that had no God when there was a lot more people before you had come into this world and took there place. maybe it was because you tried to kill the Father of Heaven like you had killed the Mother of Heaven and All of mankind along with it. you had taken a simple thing and turned it complex, something in yourself that held on to many things and never gave back what you had taken for free in the eyes of God who knows the very thoughts of those who ignore what i have God had spoken to Me and God's children. this is why God hates you who had never tried to do any good but take from people their blessing and their time that was given to Me in Roger's name for All that see in us the image and the likeness of your own ancestors had killed your planet and the things that you loved All day long as a child. their is no more time given to you who fight the Almighty. this is a lesson that must be learned and then swallowed as Roger swallowed your galaxy last year before Black Friday had returned to spew you out in a distant hole in space where the parts of All your bodies still remain.

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