Alamogordo New Mexico is Marked

 everything is pinpointed to Alamogordo now. Hell has followed Me here unto this place that we should take a final stand. JUST IN CASE. the garden center shall live through us her in Alamogordo it is the stand alone tree that must be knocked  over before the pillar of Hercules can fall. during a course of revelation a fleet of ships are on their way now to this destination. but may be only a rumor of war it may be a marriage and suitor returning home. but we must stand firm in this day that may flood the earth. we are a proud people that can not be enslaved or told what to do, so God provided us this blessing of ours that only we can destroy our planet in this last escape. i have written every thing down that God has told Me. and only a fool can ignore the truth. this action is not a course war but may be a case of deception that honors the Lord it may happen in time or these times 36-37, 360-370or even 3600-3700 years from now the time distortion is different in outer space.

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