Twins Have the Same Soul

 be fearful and die free. when we have given this time to answer the one who can predict weather or not that time has come to this period to set itself among the gentiles as the chosen fire that had burned until the day that we forgot about God's love that first burned within us before we could see ourself in the flames of God's spirit that burns up in the day that God had chosen for us who were saved and found us wanting when no other time was given to be its own circumstance for all to receive this one blessing that had been given in my name that holds every time within its own period that was rejected before it could be reborn and it will flow down with the blood of time for each woman that is ready to give birth down on earth where the flesh of Heaven had accepted our place in time for all to witness that good and bad are the same brother and sister that became one through birth and one through flesh as a twin that doubled through the image of ourself that holds within the same day through the night for the last to be Firstborn of Heaven that is on earth as it is in the Heaven above. one above as one below is the first than third of this return that settled within itself to be more than the first but the last blessing that followed God's will and the time that it took four two to be its own die free or without any sins that return upon a day that must be given for the light to be seen as the night to be fallen before and after the three return as one to each day and Heaven returned. i am Roger Grant who is the Mark and the Beast. and whoever receives that Mark of God's protection will receive the fire and go to Hell where there was many days that had mislead others to whom must be childlike. and God had chosen you because your searched for God and an answer. what was in thier time to know what was not in our time but their own time that was settled along time ago before us which is given to the first four heavens that were protected by us in the fifth Heaven so that the lord would follow its own after the eighth haven has return to be its own footpath to the promise land that God had promised to thier ancestors before God was the last and first of its kind. .

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless :  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivit...