The Two Suns of God

The Two Suns of God

 their is peace in every Heavenly House and peace in every Heavenly Spokesperson. the time is the last of Heaven that cannot be patient for the winds will pass over the day and the night will fall behind each dancer of God. this will be given a Heavenly step towards our own good day. i want you to follow what i do, when i call for one to come forth i want us to remember that we are all the Heavenly beings. and the first seven are the Giants of Heavens that had reminded that one dance is the only step we had taken to remember each other from the front and to the end where only light could be stars above that step to the left and then to the right twice and then come together. this is our freedom in native America so that the last one will be our KaChina the two that held on to each other before the was renewed and the time could never be the last one as it played. for that eighth dancer was the Son of all Man and the each day followed with  laughter as it would dance behind the one who took two steps and then another from the left and the last was the first step that came forth as one who was childlike and innocent as every star would be born among our Universe and among the Heavenly House of that child that never lied or had to repent. and i saw the Children of Asia and Native American come together with the Dogone who will dance this time for our God again.

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