The True Voice of God's Shepherd

their time is now and the shortness of breath will be given to another that saves their own day for their owners who are willing to be just like the same fruit that had fallen in the season to be its own worth and value. for those who are not in tune with God are not in tune at all. God can hear them but they do not remember hearing God's voice the Word of God's day followed to be as one flock. and if you never heard your shepherd's voice then you are not wild but stolen from the truth of the many who thought they were going to be in the days that God had put beside Her own who are the children of God's day to day the one flock of God's fold that had been given this day for our command in the light of God to show who we are and what we can do. i Roger Ramos Grant was the last shepherd of this field in Heaven and at this time the first is Joshua the same voice of God that is within us who believe that God returned and was found. 

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