The Titan Atlas Takes Aim

 from the day that we were born the way to Heaven was being good and the night was over but the light confessed that the day of our soul returning began from the last child that was inside of you that have faith in Roger the Seed of Abraham that magnified the image of God's Sun that crossed over to the third and fourth Heaven to began speaking about the opening of gates that Heaven had given to us in a quiver of 13 arrows that will receive five and 2 more to be equal on each side of Heaven's corner that stands alone in the four corners area that had lifted the Pillar of Sampson for Atlas to return and place the world and Heaven back onto His shoulders, but He saw an African Mother (Sheena) carry it on the top of head balanced, and when He seen Her take it back to Africa He created a Mountain of Fruit at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro and covered it with a blanket of clouds hoping she would get His gift for Her Children in Africa. When one returns another will fault before the door closes but if you take the One Marriage that i had created then the stars will fall upon this mountain too. and within the words i have spoken that lord placed another score and two and Arrows in my quiver so that shall speak to these who have desolated their own Heaven and its own ground to wither away. i speak to them again and give them that chance that i had given to Us. and as i shot into the Heaven above i became stronger as a volleys of arrows had aimed for the same place that hits the heart of any man that needs chance to be apart of this fire that the Native American Indian had passed once before long ago during the stone age that used Fire of God when they had gathered and spoken to all who had peace given to their own tribes and scores of family in a flight of arrows that set true aim through Roger who is  the giver of Heaven and the times that would become one in marriage and one in family to be at hand and at rest for everyday that was in peace and in harmony to All on Earth. 

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless :  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivit...