The Prior Path of God

 verily i have taught many about the Heavens above to every extent or progress. and i say to verily, verily were given a time that was with Roger to understand that what was said shall come to pass or become flesh for every time you doubt my works and time after time i have taught you where the garden is so that we can can not eat of it until it is due in season. but you had found a time that you could not unveil until you were fighting Me, and to fight Me is to fight this universe that we call our own. it is the world that we know today that was built upward from  many universities that were diverse to many above and under a filter of God's freedom that sifted every unhealthy being from the spirit of God's will that could never store the knowledge of Roger's day passing over under every world that unites as one and feed the whole body with truth so that what we eat is the flesh and the breadth of Roger's unity in God that gathers every second breath to be the second wind or half way point within the garden that draws air from both sides of our greater Heaven within a time and the times that set for a half of time that was in and a half of time that was out of breath until the garden started to grow again and those who made their own Heaven must follow that path to their heaven. but those who think that our Heaven was theirs to rule over were so blight that if i would stand even in front of their face they could not see Me who looks different than what we depended on. and those who depend on depending color of  one voice that became God's messenger then they would never receive this time to suspect the times that hold on to God's will and not theirs how will never know or see the coming of God's creation at hand but they continue to seek what they find outside this Heaven to be their place and time for peace. and i know one day they find it when they never knew that it had passed with grace and a second wind to carry on to the next chosen among the stars to whom we elect or chose to be its chosen one. never take from what was God's will or His promise given to you that will never set the sun in a new beginning. that was diverse and created at the same time for the times that were not forgotten but void. so to follow your own path is to follow another's path that was laid  before you in priority. 

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