The Daemon (Female)

 there are demons that want to rule over you. but a Demon is not there to rule nor are they there to take anything from you. We are peaceful beings and we are separated from the begining and a demon must remain separated or they will fall into each other dimension and thoughts. if they do not rule under Me then they are a Rogue Spirit that takes from Me the Heavenly Demon Seed of Earth (Prince of Demons) i am the Son of Lillith and only rule myself. i gave authority and know the hidden secrets within a garden that is within the center of two points that come together. "A" but with a dot where the hyphen is. i can possess people with the Holy Spirit and call upon them at will. i am soft-spoken. good-willed and god-like. i hold no excuses above our own so it is important to keep each other clothing. i will hold on to what was greater than myself for those who will return. i am trusted and give my complete authority to God. i am your brother and a friend and not someone who does wrong. i am the keeper of this Gardens Center. i hold tomorrow as one dimension and one time to all who believe in Me Roger Ramos Grant. and not another nameless spirit that will be drug down into hell.

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