Day VI of VII

 Day VI of VII

it is a light that can be seen from a distance that stands out in the dark to let its presence be known through the comfort of rest. and it is that rest that values life within itself to be as one path towards many that could hold on to their own destiny but follow because they believe in you who has led them to here so far and never into the hands of their enemy. i call upon all the Gods in Heaven to make this day matrimony for all martyrs that are about to return unto its own promised land that was given to God long before today had struggled to let it go, but is for them that i lay my life down unto its foot and cross. where many had been slayed for the testimony of God who was Jesus Christ, who is Roger Ramos Grant and Who will be the same as tomorrow through Me who lives today as though they had already had died and laid their life down for another and had given this blessing away for others that can make a difference tomorrow by being greater and greater than i Roger Grant was today. and if you keep this promise that i have set forth for tomorrow then the light of their path will shine for all to see tomorrow. Amen.

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