Parthenogenesis The Virgin Birth

the lesbian lizard (whiptail) is in four corners of the earth that eat what is wise such as ants that dwell within a woman's womb that holds the key to witnessing the miracles of this enchanted land of New Mexico. it is like incubation of this higher kind that sets heaven between here and earth that's open more answers to what we now know as God's creation i.e. the Jesus Christ lizard may be the only being that walked on water. a lizard is fast when walking. when they come to greet Me they nod their head up and down and then walk before me in safe measure, but they walk as fast as they run on land and water. and it gives the being in two parthenogenesis when two eggs per clutch or thwins are born from 6 to 12 eggs paired by two at a time as two pearls in hand become its entire knot. and from only female lizards that are fully grown asexual when they are hatchlings. and from the beginning God made creatures that need only companionship to have a family and make it for their own.
Parthenogenesis: "human conception without fertilization by a male; virgin birth." Oxford Languages Dictionary

1 comment:

Athenic said...

70 years of age and 14 years of age.

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