Family Trees Origin

 one branch of the tree of truth grew in the center of the four corners area and stood alone just as the tree of wisdom stood alone before the two became a hybrid tree of knowledge and beside her was the tree of righteousness. and from another heaven, a corner appeared and it stood alone also it was called the tree of charisma.

The Tree of: 

  1.  Truth: Man, High Priest, Prophet, Workers, Waters, Athlete (Center) (animals speaking)
  2. Wisdom: Woman, Magi, Witch, Judges, Deamon, Future, Wind (NE) (forked tongue)
  3. Knowledge: Scholar, Doctor, Teacher, Student, Slavery, Genius, Past, Family Tree (SE) (majestic)
  4. Righteous: Priest, Monk, Worthy, Authority, Beast, False Prophet, Perdition, Fire (NW) (anointed)
  5. Charisma: Philosopher, Jack, King, Freedom, Charming, Neutral, Earth  (SW) (elected)
there will be an answer from the calling of the first of its fruits will be plucked but given to the righteous ones and the name upon there will be their lord who many names and many branches religion from branch of Heaven Gods will return for this is the day of many Heavens that come together. and the Heavens opened and one returned and fought against Me, and as an enemy of God, they rule beside those i also gave to. so now we are equal i have nothing and you have nothing the most in Heaven offered for two to be given a chance 

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