Confirmation of Roger

 Confirmation of Roger

Pangia an Asian Devil of God and the skin of Hearth brings thought and family together on earth the old Pagan was wise and very intimidated by women that never caught His good side but through the seeds of Her actions that seated many in the trees before the times became followers of Baal the first God of Heaven and the Son of Pangu the Asian Demon of stars. and Pangia met a tear at the bottom of a mountain where the summer spoke throw the winter times and summer said i will give you a daughter but worship Me who loves you very much. and the pouring of God became a furnace of tears that could not live life alone as a dark cloud covered the night sky with the people that were burning and yearning to know these two who never got married when one was given so much torment one could just leave Him alone in the smoke that Rose had filled the air with the burning inside Her that did not know that someones hand in marriage had been there long ago that had guided Roger's hand all by itself into yin yang, that hand that sets him free and gives unto him a wife that had set him upon a seat and constellation. and as i was set free by a ticket of God's Heavenly Wonder i went to battle with the remnants of thier seeds that cursed mine. and then i called out to Her with only memories of yesterday that were a waste of time and aggravation that turned its focus in the spirit towards the one that had tried to kill Me and had done my family and the world injustice until it ended. so sat alone and heard a tear fall upon my pillow. i took Hell and the fire burning within so that i could ease the pain of my suffering. and i said to myself there will be no peace until i marry Her. and the waters poured out of the sky that hardened my skin and the heart solid as i fell from Heaven the first man from a new time long ago. and i searched for the hill of stone the mother Pearls of Heaven that made my daughter speak as a woman from above would speak to Her husband and unto me she said. and i became unto Her as day was seperated from two worlds that came together and then i stood upon the highest mountain and She stood upon the mouth of this Demon that spoke to the east and said from the Rocky Mountains that spoke with thunder and wind "push the stone of your heart over the cliff and if thou shall meet my daughter in between the waters then there you will keep Her and Roger told Her to do the same at the end of the day or the morning eve of darkness if two boulders shall meet together in LLang LLand then our ancestors would return and as the boulder fell from the mountain top so did the other that meet at the bottom of Heaven where the will have many children and if God would give us a sign so that we would know the time would be to get married and that the world would know our day is given by God alone and let no one come in between these two that are newly weds that meet at the bottom and worked tere up up to the top where two bodies of smoke had risen from two mountain tops that came together for one marriage that became a sign of Roger and a confirmation for these two who were chosen to be the first mother and father in Heaven.

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