The Times and Fallen

 the Lord has given to Me the key to Heaven and Hell. and those who never knew Me will suffer for those who have gained the trust of my people who are God's seal upon this world. and you who ever admits to this will become a golden shrine that is built up in one day strong and ten years longer for the stars have never been touched or given to the stars above, but are the need to those who return from the start to make this day right and the times that fallen 1000 times shall fall no more. and i Roger Grant will be there to see thier fall and this will startle the only time that was given to us all. and the world will find a good day and hide in it, but the lord will come and destroy those who have been here and done nothing but fight the first and last the Omega and Alpha, who are only the first and last Heavens that record the resurrection of Roger the West Christ. i will make a time and separate it from its own and the times must gather the clouds of the sky and the day together for this timing to be accurate. when the waters touch the last heaven and fill the fruit of your lips then the time has come together. and i will fill the body with the fruits of all nations that had fallen to earth from a time that was separated between two galaxies and i Roger Grant swore to this covenant that i would protect with the sword of one's mouth that falls from the Heavens above unto them in need. i come with the swift measure and accuracy that it takes to win the battles of Heaven. i am Roger Grant the first in flight and the first to fight and those who get behind Me will come in the name of our Lord. The All Heavenly Lord that holds the Horn of Vahalla and six other times that were blown upon those who fought the day away and made the night rule over thier first two Heavens that were destroyed because they were people and not Gods, i Roger grant made a place for my sister Gina to whom i love and to whom leads the Angels of Valkerie. and a time every night to fall upon the head of its enemy and those who lift the skirt of our waters underneath them who travel by far without day and night to know thier time was sealed for a later day that must be in the latter times of those who did not give tribute to us today will be far, far away and at the ends of this heaven that closes upon them and thier gates crushing everything that lives within and destroying what was, is, and will return in the end of days that come together but are separate from, life and death, water and thirst, time and everlasting completeness to each gate that can only be opened by God and Her hand only. i am Roger Who has given everything to everyone else but Me, for i am a poor man but i am given to the riches of God's New House and Heaven.

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

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