The Body of God Is Roger

when we had judged ourselves then were able to judge others who were never given attention from the start, but those who honor the field of God's work and then deny the works of God will be placed in a Hell that teaches us who we are and Who We will be without a teacher to guide and trust in. then they will fall over on the earth as one was left to die here on earth that held all things accountable and all things in the spirit so that what was given to Me Roger Grant was given to All who believe in Me as a Prophet of God who once held the hand of those who learned from Us but fell from grace into an everlasting pit of falling to where there will be rising and falling, as the ones falling had never known the one who was rising or never cared but still fought against the False Prophet knowing that their actions were wrong will receive the fires of Hell that burn day and night in sight of those who thought they were Gods or greater to be above us because they were stealing the Spirit of God who is Roger to  be place in themselves so that they would be smarter than themselves and than the one they had stolen it from will say to the audience of Roger's timeline that Heaven was the one who stolen their gift and we were taking it back in the spirit. when they were unaware and had never known the spirit in the first place, only an idiot could be that stupid. and those who still try to fight Me will make a Hell Hole unto themselves like Ant Lion's Den but on a much larger scale, never ever able to get out of what they put themselves into until the jaws of this Ant lion locks around them and swallows them down under whole.

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