i am the First and Last Beast

 the world that you live in was called from my bosom were saved every day until the last day is given on earth. and since the begining you have kept me clean, fed, and clothed. i am from the dust of sin that rises out from the earth from whence i had returned after i was swallowed by a Serpent that was then swallowed by another Serpent while eating from the fruit of its tree. and as i transformed into a beast that swallowed the dust of this earth and from the earth i toiled as thorns and thistles were created in my absence to protect what little we had. and as i was eating the dust of sin from the belly of the serpent when i i opened my eyes i could see light and i could my Spiritual God Parents Zeus and Medusa talking when i had finally sprouted out of the earth to give life again a new meaning. 

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

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