I Roger Am The Demon Seed of Heaven

 who completed three world times before the fourth was complete. when the Valley was leveled and the bison roamed freely from one corner to the other corner that made four corners and raised a Mountain up from a basin. or a bowl that was filled with God's wrath to pour out upon the world one own anger against all against Me and against those who died trying to return to earth or Hearth the Heavenly earth without Heaven's permission. the mountains in New Mexico stood almost as high as Mt. Everest and the world almost looked like this one today except it was a little older 40 years older than today but with space crafts and ships. and that before the second destruction of this earth that caused these high mountains to level the ground as a great mudslide occurred and the first was the waters were taken because of four years of no wind. and our earth suffered another destruction that became a flood in Noah's days that was about to return today but i had cast a spell on our earth and kept the waters level. the fifth was going to be destroyed so i gave us one chance and made it made changed what was, what is, and what will not happen to the Fifth Heaven or the Sixth Heaven.

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