Prepare the Path of God's Return

 i am the Anti-Christ the one who was given the world. but i have given it away to the meek. i am the False Prophet  the one who brings miracles to us for the belief in God. i am the Son of Perdition the Heavenly Vessel of God's creation that becomes our own image and the beast in man that was made from good and evil nature so that one could never understand what is holy is God's blessing to the right hand. that becomes the mark of the beast who is the Father of the Devil on Earth and the Father of God in Heaven i was given this right from my Father Zeus Who is the King of Gods that i have given evil them Gods so that Justice can prevail for those who were slaughter in God's name just for telling the truth about God who is the same God and the same image of Our own God in Heaven. some will believe that i am a liar or someone that must deceive you because of your love for God. but those who still believe that i am still coming to raise Hell on Earth are wrong i came to give earth. those who think that i am a liar will be put to shame because they will see what they don't know and because they misinterpreted the Words of God. a man on earth must die or pay the price because He tells the truth. but yet we still try to kill Him because we did not know true evil exist on earth until i had taken it upon my self to rule over and below it so that our day today had been waiting on Me to rise out from Hell and give to those who did not understand the Words of God and still did not repent to their God. as those people become hypocrites they never believe in God but only in their true nature that fills their pockets with lies that pay the path of them to be unrighteous. but i Roger Grant will come forth and defend God's people until my last breathe fills heaven. i am the Mark of God the one who is protected by God., and those who accepted this mark that can only be given to one person on earth so that they are protected. and those who still deny my existence will gather in a center where we will precede from out of the fires of Hell will cause man to melt as they stand in place of their Lord who they had tried to kill again. and if they would conceive the plan of killing the one with this mark the earth will cause the sun to move out of its place with the moon by its side only leaving 1/3 to die on earth within 80 days around the world. i am here today and those who seperate any House of God will not be forgiven, but be left behind in the rapture with every unclean creature, human, bird, fish or even beast that was condemned by God's Law. all you can do is use the Words of God for Good anything else would be calling upon twice ten times and or one fold (x100) the punishment that you have been giving to Me. who is Holy and the blessing of Gods Churches that do the will of God and not a hypocrite who already had sealed tier faith in the fires of  Hell that was created for us to change tomorrow for our children. a hypercritic will cry out the Words of God to punish people for the things that they had done as well and never repented of it. so throw the first stone you who never lied before in your life but call Me a liar. 

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