The Pangean Sea

on a flat earth map, she needs to be a little more petite on top pigeon-toed on the bottom, and have a wide birth center. now that's flat earth or Guya the young petite. she sounds like a virgin giving birth to the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn the first illegitimate twins separated from birth.

PANGEA (Guya) was so young that on top that it was the way to cross the river or the Marina trench that looked like the edge of the world if you would try to cross it you fall off the edge of this world. the only way at one time was through the baring straights in Alaska where our ancient relative had crossed over the icy tundra and became a Nation of Indians that were Ute and Amazon. Ligera, Kamera, and Lugusta were the African Tribes of Isreal.

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