A Time is a Tenth of Taken Portion in Hand

 Heaven opens the day upon the word it shines forth for them in that day for all to hear, understand, and become a part of those who were before and knew the words that precede a countenance of unspeakable wealth that can be hidden by one who claims that God is hidden and never seen from within unless you hear of the words the come from a God. but be fruitful for all to come forth and eat of your garden that holds truth and the wisdom to speak out loudly for God who is the Spirit within your Soul and the words from within that pour out openly hearted a for the gift of God's courage that sets men into their place and the times appointed to All of God's Heavenly timeline given for Roger Ramos Grant who was Jesus Christ 2000 years ago and the blessing of Gods return for who are in Him as He is in Them during that timeline that started two days after Easter in the year 2017. and as a timeline passes for one generation it also holds on the Spirit before those who came before as Roger had done so 2000 years ago during a time and the times that had returned as a para-lamb to all bloodlines that enter into Heaven through  Me Roger the Parison of Hope and denial to be as free as the spirit has landed you beside the pathway and not upon that path that leads to your own destruction for not knowing the Father of Heaven Who has been worthy as i have told you. and if you believe in Me then you will enter into Paradise on earth and see the blessing that God spoke about on the earth before it became a part of Heaven, and if you do not then you never connect a pathway to Heaven on Earth. the path that we had taken in sight of the Lord Who was, Who is, and Who will return on the same path to their promised land and their nation under God which is on Earth as it is in Heaven had given only to those Who take the path of a Prophet before them Who was righteous in the Eyes of the Lord as their being of God's essence within you who believe in God the one true God that set its foot upon our day to rest forever and ever.

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Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless

Body to Earth and Essence in Heaven: God is Lawless :  the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivit...